Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Conversation With Jack

Jack is 3, so having a conversation with him now days can be quite entertaining. Today on the way to the gym he informed me that he didn't like girls. I told him that mommy was a girl and asked him why he didn't like girls. His response was he just didn't but told me that I wasn't a girl, that I was Meredith, aka bat-girl. (You see, Jack loves Batman so that was a compliment! ) We often talk about Disney and he quickly reminded me that I was a Princess! Now your talking! Now who has who wrapped around their finger? The life of being the only female in the house definitely has its advantages! Such innocence....... (sigh) If only it would stay that way.

1 comment:

John Gibson said...

Life with kids is always entertaining. We had a blast watching and listening to the boys over Christmas. We will have Allie and Elizabeth on Monday and it will be great listening to them. There will come a day when the boys will bring home girls and you will not be alone as the only female ever again. I washed all the windows inside and out and steam cleaned the carpets. Just basic cleaning is left along with taking Prissy to the salon and grocery shopping.