Friday, February 8, 2008

Almost There!

Well, yesterday began a day of "potty training" Jack. Needless to say to my surprise he remained dry all day and even wore his new Batman underwear with not skid marks! I have to admit I was a little scared that I would be throwing away a lot of new underwear, but we managed and so far so good for today. Jack loves his new potty. I also took a risk in buying one of those portable potty's but it was a good risk as he only wants to use his potty. I think the fact that it plays music when he goes it is encouraging for him and he knows after the music has played that he is rewarded with a few M&M's. Thank goodness for bribery! Tonight will be a test as Luke has baseball practice for an hr at the baseball field and need I say more about the bathrooms?

1 comment:

Halee said...

Well I am glad to hear Jack is doing well with potty training.