Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Visit With Mamaw

Summertime is my ONE of my favorite times of the year. No getting up early to rush the boys off to school and no need to hurry off to any baseball games and practices. Another plus is this is the time of year when everyone wants to come for a visit since we live in Florida. My mom, aka Mamaw, came down last weekend for an extended weekend vacation from the hustle and bustle of Georgia. While she was here we spent some quality time shopping without the boys in tow and some late night chats! The boys enjoyed hanging with Mamaw and eating "junk" while she was here. Ice cream, milkshakes and hot dogs, just to name a few, were on the menu for the weekend. A trip to the Rosser house wouldn't be complete without a bike trip down the West Orange Trail, so Saturday we took the clan for a mini bike ride into town and back. Time always seems to zip by when your having fun and Mamaw's trip seemed to come to a quick end on Sunday afternoon as she was headed back to the peach state. Thank you Mamaw for a fun filled weekend!


Football and Fried Rice said...

Your Mom is so beautiful! She sounds spunky & fun too :) I love summer time relaxing!

Laura said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!!! Enjoy the summer while it lasts!

Mamaw said...

It was a fun weekend for sure but I can't BELIEVE you put those pictures on your BLOG!! Especially the one you took while RIDING the bikes. Ewwwwwwwww!!!!!

The boys were great and we so enjoyed our bike ride (even in the pouring rain!!) and movie night with popcorn and shakes! Thank you all for the nice visit!