Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Up To NO Good....

You know when you have boys (and I have 3) that when it is completely silent in the house that someone is doing SOMETHING! Jack, who is usually up to no good, pulled another one of those today. I was too pressed with time to snap any pics but it would have made for a great Kodak moment. As I'm folding the usual endless basket of laundry, Jack is somewhere in the house being awfully quiet. I hadn't seen him in a while so I ventured out to investigate. Jack met up with me in the living room, and might I mention naked as a jay bird! He immediately said this one sentence word I had been dreading of hearing..."Nothing". That is all he said so I knew there was something! It was easy to follow his little trail to the "nothing" as he had stripped himself of all his clothes which led me to his "nothing". Since mommy was doing laundry, Jack felt it was his turn to do his laundry, therefore he was working hard on washing his shirt in his bathroom sink. His choice of detergent was his hand soap, which was overflowing with suds from the sink. His sweet little face and naked tush won my heart over so I very well couldn't be too angry. They say girls change their clothes several times a day, but I beg to differ. Jack has proven that to be wrong! Jack goes through several articles of clothing a day! So now you know what I mean by folding the endless basket of clothes. It just NEVER ends!


Faith said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have a Babylock BMP8, it is an 'embroidery professional' machine with 6 needles, but Babylock makes some great smaller machines for home use that are VERY user friendly. Please let me know if you have any other questions that I can help with!

Mamaw said...

Well you certainly have earned your wings for Mother's Day! What do they say?......Boys WILL be Boys!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I always wonder where all the laundry comes from in MY house too!!

Megan said...

Tee hee. Boys are really something, aren't they? Never a dull moment! Enjoy your Mother's Day.