Sunday, October 4, 2009

Iron Man 70.3

I DID IT!! I have taken the plunge and I am diving in HEAD FIRST!!! 2010 Iron Man Half 70.3 here I come! The coming months should be interesting.... Steve is also competing in this endurance event so our training schedules should be interesting! I never thought I would ever be blogging about doing this kind of stuff, but never the less here I am in the middle of it all. My prayer is not only to just finish the race, but to be a shining light for Jesus and to be given the opportunity to share in his love while encouraging others to reach their goals. Gonna need LOTS of prayers coming my way over the next 7 months!!! I did fail to mention that a good friend of mine who recently lost her husband to cancer, will be training with me and competing in this race as well. I find this to be an honor to share in this experience with her as well with my husband. God is GOOD!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So proud of you and Karen. You two were amazing