Saturday, January 10, 2009

Disney Half Marathon

Today was the BIG day! One of my dreams came true. Steve and I competed in the Disney Half Marathon, 13.3 miles. Our journey began at an early time of 3:00 a. m. Luckily we booked a hotel room at Disney's Port Orleans French Quarter and took along a babysitter for the boys. We boarded the bus headed for the START line @ 3:30 and basically hung out at the START line for 2 1/2 hours in the 50 degree chilly air. I will admit I have learned a lot from this experience. One being come prepared to be cold unless you bring a blanket and just toss it along the path when you start the race. Even thought we had on the right clothes, it was still COLD! The race itself was nothing short of amazing as there were hundreds of cheering crowds along the way, and not to mention all the Disney characters along the route. In the end Steve finished in 1 hr. 54 min and I finished in 2 hrs. 34 min. There was a total of 12,434 racers and I came in 6,308. This was the most amazing race I have ever been apart of and am looking forward to the Disney Marathon 2010! Anyone care to join?


Laura said...

Hi, Meredith!! Long time no talk!! How ya been? We're headed your way in May...taking Baby Girl to WDW for her 4th birthday! I don't know who's more or her! Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

You rock, girl!!! Good for you!

Anonymous said...

I AM SOOOOOOOO PROUD of you!!!! What an awesome accomplishment. And your time is amazing. WAY TO GO MS. THNG!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I can't believe it!! What's next???? Which marathon are you going to tackle?? I am so envious & proud of you!!!!